The Foot Project to Bring Aid to Migrant Crisis.

A member of the Foot Project team treats a migrant
The Foot Project is returning to Greece again bringing their podiatry expertise to aid the continuing migrant crisis there. Firefly Orthoses continue to support this hugely important initiative that emphasises the value of podiatry within a primary healthcare spectrum.
During the 2016 annual SCP conference in Glasgow, Firefly met podiatrist Jack Loveday who plays a central role in the Foot Project. Firefly donated a selection of our over the counter (OTC) range of orthoses to the project.
Jack was part of a team of six podiatrists who visited a migrant camp in northern Greece earlier this year. As it was the team’s first visit to the location they were unsure what to expect on their arrival. On review of their week long trip in early 2017, Jack reported the OTC devices provided by Firefly were crucial in treating many of the patients:
The orthotics Firefly donated to us this year have been by far the most useful item that we have taken on these trips, and the most well received – they have made a huge impact! – Jack Loveday
Ahead of their second trip to Greece, the group is seeking funding via a crowdfunding drive. We would encourage you to make a contribution to this worthy cause. Donate by visiting this link.